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Limited Edition Snack Spotlight:: Pocky

In Japan there is Valentine's Day on February 14th. However, one month later on March 14th it's White Day. On Feb. 14th it's expected that women give chocolate to the men in their lives. Not just their significant other but...all of them. Obligatory chocolate is common in the work place. Men are supposed to return the favour on March 14th but let's just say....this is typically not done. Especially in the work place. Men tend to benefit from these gifts of chocolate but conveniently forget to do anything in return.

What does this mean? Well, it means a lot of special snacks went on sale after March 14th in my local grocery store. Lots of them. Buckets full of them. As you can see on the above image, I got this box on a discount! 30% off!

This box contains raspberry champagne flavoured Pocky. Pocky, for those of you who live under a rock, are thin chocolate covered biscuits. They normally come in a pack with many of the tasty treats. However this one was quite different.

I ate them back in March so I never took a picture but they were easily as long as a sheet of paper and as thick as your pinky finger. They were a chocolate biscuit covered in chocolate. It did not taste like champagne but it did taste like raspberry. Raspberry is my favourite berry flavour so I had a grand time with this box.

Each Pocky was 80 cal. They were a delightful snack and I spread out eating them over the course of a couple of weeks.
